

在纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学, we want you to make an informed decision to attend our University. 许多政府机构要求美国各地的学院和大学向在校学生提供各种类型的消费者信息, 未来的学生, 而且(在某些情况下)是普通大众. We take pride in providing you not only the information required by federal law, but also additional useful information and disclosures on various aspects of our University. Therefore, we have gathered this material by category into a number of detailed web pages. 这些网页的链接如下.

Please contact any staff member in the Admissions or Financial Aid Offices for assistance with any of this information. Also, for detailed information about financial aid eligibility and programs, please visit the 资助网页.

留学学分: 有关学生参加留学项目和获得学分的信息可以在大学网站上找到. 需要额外信息的学生应与相应的院长办公室核实,以确定如何以及在什么情况下可以为国际经验授予学分.

职业发展: 了解纽约州立大学上州医科大学如何帮助你制定未来计划,以及如何采取措施实现你的目标. Career Development is offered to students in the 医学院, 护理学院 and 卫生职业学院 and 研究生院. 请参考 f5gpwtd.863024.com/currentstudents/career. Information on Career Development is also provided in the 学生手册.

结业、毕业及就业资料(学生知情权法案): 最近的留存, completion, 毕业和就业数据按研究生和专业学位课程发布在大学的消费者信息页面上. Here you will also find information related to student performance on licensing exams and placement and employment rates. The undergraduate information may be obtained via the 大学导航器 site.

宪法及公民日活动: 纽约州立大学上州医科大学每年9月17日举办有关美国宪法的教育项目和活动, 纪念9月17日, 1787年签署宪法. However, 9月17日正好是星期六, 星期日或假日, Constitution Day shall be held during the preceding or following week.  Specific details are published on the University library website at http://upstate.libguides.com/content.php?pid=620106. 在宪法日的一周内,教育信息通过专门的网页突出显示,并向社区成员提供美国宪法的副本.

侵犯版权政策: 反对侵犯版权的政策, including the illegal downloading and/or sharing of electronic media files. This information is also located in the 学生手册, Student Code of Conduct, Article IV #20.

Cost of Attendance (COA) and Net Price Calculator (NPC): 纽约州立大学上州医科大学在大学的财政援助主页上提供了一个电子净价格计算器,以及每个项目的直接和间接成本.

罪案统计及校园保安(Clery Act)及年度保安报告(ASR): The ASR is housed on the University Police website and the policies are included in the 学生手册.

毒品和酒精政策和预防方案: 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学 maintains strict policies against drug and alcohol abuse by our students, 教职员工. 策略信息发布在 学生手册 以及在大学网站上. The web page provides links to a wealth of information about illegal drugs, addiction, 以及当地的治疗提供者.

联邦贷款披露: 纽约州立大学上州医科大学在大学网站和学生MyUpstate门户网站上提供信息,其中包括联邦直接贷款和国家学生贷款数据库(nsds)网站上提供的在线入学和退出咨询流程的链接.

FERPA(家庭教育权利和隐私法): 本页包含我们的隐私政策, including policies related to the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). 附加信息包含在 学生手册.

财政援助信息: Information regarding application procedures, program descriptions, deadlines, etc. is available on the University website and includes links to www.fafsa.ed.gov FAFSA网上申请及 www.pin.ed.gov 联邦密码网站. Other Financial Aid related information can be found in the 学生手册的财务部分.

消防安全政策/统计数字: 维护校内学生住房设施的学院必须发布一份年度消防安全报告,其中包含有关校园消防安全实践和学院标准的信息. 该报告还必须包括最近一年中每个校园学生住房设施的统计数据,并必须保留书面记录, 容易理解的火灾日志.

有酬就业资讯: 关于毕业率的信息, 在每个项目的网页上都可以找到完成项目的学生的平均债务和其他关于纽约州立大学上州医科大学项目的重要信息. 纽约州立大学上州医科大学提供的每个项目的项目页面链接可通过上面的链接从主项目页面获得.

大学的一般资料: This information is housed in detail in the 学生手册. There is also significant information on 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学's website.

医疗保险: 从2019-2020学年开始, Health Insurance will not initially be included in the initial Cost of Attendance. If you are required to pay out of pocket for health insurance, 事后可以对COA进行调整. Review the 健康保险页面 选择承保范围.

失踪学生通知政策: The University's policy on missing students is published in the 学生手册. 校园犯罪年度报告中也有相关信息,住在校园里的学生会得到一张失踪学生/紧急情况卡.

教育项目的性质: This information is housed in detail in the Academic Catalog. There is also information on 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学's website

私隐及资讯保安政策(格雷姆-里奇·比利利法案): 参加联邦学生援助计划的高等教育机构必须遵守联邦贸易委员会(FTC)为金融机构制定的信息安全要求. 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学 is diligent in protecting our students' personal information and privacy. 本页包含我们的隐私政策, including policies related to Gramm, Leach, Bliley Act.

学业进展满意(SAP): These policies are published in the Finances Section of the 学生手册 以及在大学网站上.

为残疾学生提供的服务: 有关为残疾学生提供的服务的说明载于《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》及大学网页.

学生群体多样性: This link to the 大学导航器 web site provides information on the diversity of SUNY Upstate Medical's student body, 包括入学率, 全日制男学生, female, self-identified members of a major racial or ethnic group who received a Federal Pell Grant.

学生财务服务行为准则: Staff members shall conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner, 符合全国学生资助管理人员协会制定的“道德原则声明”,以及大学网站上公布的《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》中的其他要求.

学生手册: Contains detailed information about the University and our academic programs. The 学生手册 is available on-line and contains university and college-specific information including: academic calendars; grading policies; Code of Student Conduct; and admissions policies. Academic program requirements can be found in the Academic Catalog

( http://f5gpwtd.863024.com/prospective/basics/academic_catalog.php )

教材信息: 纽约州立大学上州医科大学必须在大学的互联网课程时间表上披露用于提前注册和注册的目的, 列出每门课程所需和推荐的教材及所需补充材料的国际标准书号(ISBN)和零售价格信息. Also, upon request of a university bookstore operated or affiliated with the university, 大学必须在可行的情况下尽快提供有关大学下一学年课程安排的最准确信息, the information provided for students regarding the required and recommended textbooks, 以及每门课的补充材料, the number of students enrolled I each course or class and the maximum student enrolment for each course or class.

教科书预先授权政策: 在纽约州立大学上州医科大学网上书店网页上查找有关获取书籍和用品的信息. This includes the procedures on how to attain textbooks and course materials for Pell Grant recipients with credit balances.

Transfer of Credit Policies and Articulation Agreements: These policies are posted on the University's website.

疫苗接种政策: Immunization requirements are published in the 学生手册 以及在大学网站上.

经验丰富的信息: 约翰尼·艾萨克森和大卫·P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 requires educational institutions to make certain disclosures to students using federal military and/or VA educational benefits. To view and print a copy of an estimated personalized cost of attendance you can visit the SUNY净价格成本计算器 and select 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学 from the dropdown. 更多的财务信息可在 NCES大学导航网站. 一旦学生提交了FAFSA,纽约州立大学的经济援助计划(FAP)将提供更深入的分析和准确的学生成本情况, 完成了纽约州立大学的申请, 并已被一所大学录取.

选民登记活动: 纽约州立大学上州医科大学在我们的学生中促进负责任的公民身份和选民登记的行动在这个网页上有解释. The page also contains helpful links and information to assist students with voter registration.

Withdrawals, Leave of Absence, Refunds and Return to Tile IV (R2T4):  纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学's policies concerning withdrawals, 休假, refunds and return to Title IV R2T4) are published in the 学生手册 and via the Student Accounts website.

书面协议: University's that have written agreements must disclose to prospective and enrolled students applicable to all schools where a program is designed to be offered by another entity; any portion of the program not being offered by the degree/certificate granting school, 其他学校/机构的名称和位置, 授予学位/证书的学校不提供的交付方式以及由于安排可能产生的估计额外费用.


(rev. 09/05/18)
