纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件的日程已经改变了! 要查看新事件和现有事件的更新, 查看我们最新的活动日历.



在线日历的设计是为了宣传和组织活动, 截止日期和突发事件, in, 周围, 也是上州社区感兴趣的. 包括:

  • Lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences and departmental presentations
  • 会诊
  • 募捐、拓展和教育机会
  • 时间表和截止日期

It's important to take advantage of the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件的日历 for your events. The calendar can be viewed by the campus as well as outside communities, 只有在这里才能知道上州发生了什么.


推荐最近最火的赌博软件的日历是按每个部门设置的. Not all departments have one, but each is entitled to have a calendar if they desire. 在请求新日历之前,请查看 其他的日历 链接到右边,看看你的部门是否已经有了.

If there is no calendar for your department, you can request one be setup using the 校园网络支持票务系统. 提交新票并选择类别: 新日历. 其他日历上的所有事件, 比如圆桌会议, or CME events need to be posted to your department calendar first, 然后选择在其他人上显示.

如果你的部门有日历, 您可以通过在同一目录中提交请求来请求访问 校园网络支持票务系统,这次使用类别: 服务器帐户和连通性.



  • This calendar system is composed of a main calendar ("推荐最近最火的赌博软件的日历") and a number of sub calendars. The 主要的日历 can not be directly edited or have events added to it. 必须将事件添加到子日历中, 然后可以将它们配置为显示在主日历上
  • Each calendar has its own administrators, categories, and sponsors.
  • 主日历的名称, 或者其中一个子日历的名称, 总是在页面的左上角可见, 就在北州的标志下.


  • 所有日历都有一个或多个类别.
  • 默认日历视图将显示所有类别.
  • The ‘按类别查看’ option allows the user to limit their view to one or more specific categories or to display all categories.
  • A prominent red message is displayed on top of the calendar whenever you are viewing one or more specific categories and not all categories.


Displays a list of available calendars and the administrator for each calendar. 选择日历的名称以查看该日历.

Displays a list of categories for the calendar you are currently viewing. 勾选那些你想要查看的. A red bar will now be displayed at the top of the calendar to show you are viewing sub-catagories and not the whole calendar.

订阅 & 下载
Choosing 订阅 and Download from within the calendar you are looking at will bring up a list consisting of the sub calendar's categories each with 3 options to “订阅”, “下载”或“RSS”.

  • “订阅” 启动一个webcal://... link which, on a Mac with iCal, opens iCal and asks the user if they want to “subscribe”. 订阅后和之后, 无论何时iCal被打开, iCal will fetch any new events associated with the calendar and category the user subscribed to. 此函数不适用于Groupwise.
  • “下载” 下载静态(不会自动更新)文件, 哪些可以导入到启用icalendar的应用程序中. The file contains the current list of events for the chosen category.
  • “RSS” creates a url that can be used for placing an RSS feed from the calendar to your department homepage or other page. 例如, the news items that appear on the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 homepage are an RSS feed from the main 推荐最近最火的赌博软件的日历.

特别活动 (仅在主日历上可见)
This is a listing of the special banner events that are currently in rotation on our home page.

学术日历 (仅在主日历上可见)

主要的日历 (仅在子日历上可见)

Website (仅在子日历上可见)
Links to the home page of the department or program associated with the calendar. Useful as a return link when linking to your sub calendar from your department website.

绿洲课程表(图标) (仅在主日历上可见)




  • Each calendar is assigned an administrator when a new sub calendar is created.
  • Administrators can publish and approve events only for the specific calendar they are assigned.
  • Administrators can add, edit and remove all events posted to the calendar they are assigned.
  • 只有管理员可以发布事件供公众查看.
  • Administrators can assign sponsors to the calendar they control (see Sponsors below). Sponsor names are limited to a user with a valid 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 email address.


  • Sponsors can submit events to any calendar to which they have been added as a sponsor, but all events must be approved by the calendar administrator before the event is available for live viewing.
  • Sponsors can only access their own events for editing or deletion.
  • Sponsors' edits need to be re-approved by the calendar administrator before changes become live.
  • 担保人的删除是立即和最终的, 然而, 删除需要在实际删除之前进行最终验证.


  • You can only login and update pages from our intranet and physical locations within our intranet. “更新”标签在校外是不可见的.
  • Administrators and Sponsors can login only to the specific calendar(s) they are assigned.
  • 登录是基于您的MyAccounts身份. 密码协助可通过Help Desk x44115获得.
  • 登录到日历, 您必须首先点击左侧菜单中的“其他日历”, 现在从列表中选择要编辑的日历.
  • 选择右上方的“Update”选项卡.
  • Then you can log in using your iPage/MyAccounts username and password. 请参阅上面的密码信息.


  • 第一个, navigate to the calendar you wish to edit using the "选择日历" drop-down menu in the upper right, 然后登录.
  • After successfully logging in, you will see the options available to you depending on your role.
  • You may also use the grey tabs to view your calendar by the 一天, 周, or 月. In these views, you will see the following icons and options for each day.
    1. 添加事件 向此日期添加一个事件.
    2. 编辑此事件 编辑此事件.
    3. 复制此事件以供编辑. 复制此事件. (opens event detail view and allows posting to a second/new date.)
    4. 删除此事件 删除此事件 (opens event detail view - requires verification before actual removal).
  • 要将事件提交到主日历(推荐最近最火的赌博软件 calendar), check the checkbox at the top of the form labeled "Submit this event to the Main 推荐最近最火的赌博软件的日历". 您还必须选择可用的主日历类别. 如果您不希望您的事件在主推荐最近最火的赌博软件日历上, 不要检查这个盒子, 这个活动只会发布到你的子日历上.
  • 在表单的其余字段中输入您的信息. Note that the top 4 fields (Date, Time, Category and Title) are required (red stars).
  • Title: In some listings, users will only see the date and title until they view more details. Your title should be meaningful to the general public and as descriptive as possible. 保持简短. Sometimes adding words like 'presentation' or 'exercise class' will help clarify what type of event you are posting.
  • Event Page Web Address: Is shown when a user views the event details, 链接自“更多信息”, 紧接在“描述”文本之后.
  • Sponsor: Choosing a sponsor on the popup form auto-populates the 下一个 2 fields for sponsor name and web address.
  • Sponsor Web Address: Is linked through the displayed sponsor name, 在赛事详情视图中“赞助商”的右侧.


If you would like to add RSVP/registration to an event, please submit a request via the 网络支持票务系统.

以前的 2024年5月 下一个
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W17 28 29 30 1 2 3 4
W18 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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W20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
W21 26 27 28 29 30 31 1

今天是: 2024年5月11日,星期六

VT日历 2.2.2